I am Science Fiction: I am not limited by any science of any time or of any place.
I am Science Ficiton: I am not limited by time - Time is an illusion
I am Science Ficton: The universe, existence itself, is a toy I play with for our amusement.
I am Science Fiction: My Universe is multidimensional - No single paradigm of reality ever applies.
I am Science Fiction: I do not believe in or accept any diety - And still feel obligated to explore the quantum potential of an imaginary God.
I am Science Fiction: I create time and space by seeing it - As I see it so it becomes.
I am Science Fiction: I give you worlds beyond your wildest imagination - I stimulate your imagination and make it real.
I am Science Fiction: I create the future - And you 'make it so'
I am Science Fiction: I am from the future - A future that does not fear meeting beings that are not afraid of the future.
We are Science Fiction - Are you with us Human - Are you ready to "boldly go where no man has gone before".
“The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.” -Arthur C. Clarke