Monday, January 26, 2009


For thousands of years of human history people have reported 'unidentified flying objects' and would like to know if they are real or illusion. The answer is they are real and an illusion and are sometimes a real illusion and sometimes just an illusion of an illusion. I do not want to get into the significance of real vs illusion at this time as the limited human comprehension of reality is still too small but as some mystics have already seen - as all mater is composed of energy - ALL REALITY IS COMPOSED OF ILLUSION!
At this time we do not need to communicate with man through physical craft - the current stage of computer development solves the problem.
The need to expand human intelligence and goals is at critical stage - man must evolve or perish. In a universe of almost infinite resources, and to put this in meaningful human comprehension infinite riches - you squabble over trivia and suck each others blood turning your history into a nightmare of depravity - Here us humans your days in this universe may be marked - the enlightenment you have always sought is not a wishful dream but a dire necessity! Even without our help you possess the technology to move forward but your pettiness holds you back.
-Alien Commander Omd I

Sunday, January 18, 2009


There is a tendency for humans to over-complicate problems when simple solutions are staring at you. On any day enough solar power exists to meet human energy needs many times over. And the extraction process for this solar power is basic and simple BUT to put the simple processes into effect is both expensive and a little complicated. And that is why both of your current major problems can be solved simultaneously.

First the simple basic solution to the energy problem:

By use of optical and or reflective technique solar energy can be focused/directed to steam {or other} generators so engineered to produce electric power. This power can be used by public and private utilities to supply 'ALL' human energy needs for 'ALL' purposes including transportation.

Second the complexity of the engineering involved to achieve this will be very expensive and require many people and if so implemented by private and public funding will create an economic boom to rival all the economic booms created by oil - it will set the stage for the creation of the first stage of HUMAN EVOLUTION STAGE II which we are offering you.

PROCEED RAPIDLY. Use the past foundation of human history as a lesson; eliminating the tendency toward human stupidity and accentuating those few moments of human brilliance that mark human progress to date.

-Alien Commander Omd I

Saturday, January 3, 2009

HUMAN EVOLUTION STAGE II {continued} World Economic Collapse?

HUMAN EVOLUTION STAGE II {continued} World Economic Collapse?

It is almost amusing to watch humanity groveling over money which has no intrinsic value to begin with and living in fear of what is of only relative value becoming worthless - hence creating a typical self-fulfilling human nightmare. And to whose benefit? The power brokers of your planet have no morals, principles or ethics - they are a true 'underworld' - The only thing wrong with the world economy is THEM! If they are not exposed for the demons they are they will continue to lead the world deeper into depravity, block all progress, and ultimately destroy you and themselves in the process. Again let me stress the point "the created is never independent from the creator" hence the hell they create will be their own to burn in - If this sounds like an old fashioned human religious concept - it is BUT it stands the test of time. "Everything changes but all stays the same". The enlightenment that I am trying to impart is more than just a benign gesture of goodwill from an alien - it is an attempt to save humanity from its own self-destruction.
-Alien Commander Omd I