The Superhero you watch and wish you could be - But you can - You can be the Superhero of the dream - This is what Stan Lee showed us - By Humanizing the superhero Stan Lee showed us there is a little bit of superhero in all of us - In you, me, all Humans can be superheros.
Stan Lee brought the superhero home to us pitiful Humans on Earth - He expanded our minds to show us we are mre more than ordinary helpless Humans in a vast unexplored Universe - We are Superheros who will conquer evil on this Earth - As superheroes who have evolved our species to its potentials - Stan Lee opened the door for us - We are not limited by time or space - The Universe is ours to explore.
You - the Superheroes of the future - You have met your profit - Are you ready Human?
Are you ready for a Universe full of Superheroes - Do you have the will, the power to see a future only men like Stan Lee could imagine?
The physical body of STan lee has left this planet - But the soul of a Superhero never dies.
The Name and Soul of the Human called Stan Lee is Ascended - He Walks with God
- UniversalAlien, November 17, 2018